It’s always been my favorite thing in life to help others. I also have a beautiful wife, Sarah and 2 children ages 8 and 12; Garret and William. They are my pride and joy.

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I did every diet fad there was and none of them worked. Intermittent fasting, the low carb diet, keto. All they did was cause me to gain even more weight and increase my depression further once I was done. Throughout my journey I was able to discover a 3 second addition to your daily routine. This is so powerful that thousands of people have seen dramatic results and quickly. We both couldn’t believe it, it was incredible.

I witnessed my energy return and skyrocket; I was like a new person. I got my ‘swagger’ back, the girl I fell madly in love with in our High School days was finally back. Over just 7 days I lost nearly 3lbs. I went into work and each day got more compliments from everyone. It was as if people could just see my transformation daily.
